Jamie taught himself to hack aged 9 and now at the age of 21 works with large corporations, testing their security systems and highlighting any vulnerabilities.
Jamie failed all his GCSEs apart from IT where he gained an A* as computing comes naturally to him. He then went on to college where he was given a test which identified that he had both Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, which went unnoticed throughout his school years.
He has won various prizes for hacking into companies like Facebook and reporting their vulnerabilities.
He was recognized as a penetration testing engineer by IT Security Experts (ITSE) and travels the world teaching people the importance of system and network security. He is well known for identifying exploits/ vulnerabilities within the security applications of leading companies such as, YouTube, Twitter, Apple, Google and Microsoft.
Jennifer Arcuri, Founder of the Innotech Summit, said: "Jamie made the Innotech 2014 event with the #LiveHack! He stood on stage and spoke to the Mayor of London for a few minutes about the importance of hacking: what it is, how it is used, and why it’s so important to learn. The audience were enchanted as they had never seen anyone break down hacking live on stage, with such high profiled speakers and directors there in the audience. It was certainly a magical experience for the audience and I am thrilled to have hosted Jamie at the event."
Jamie Woodruff
Speaker Categories :
Cyber Security
Ethical Hacker & Cyber Security Expert