Dr. Pascal Boniface is the founding Director of IRIS (“Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques” – Institute for International and Strategic Relations). He is also a consultant on strategic issues for the French Ministry of defence and French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
He is professor of international relations in the “Institut d’Etudes européennes” (Institute for European Studies) in the University of Paris-8.
He has also been the Director of the quarterly journal “La revue internationale et stratégique” (International and strategic review) since 1991, and the Editor of the yearbook “L’Année stratégique” (Strategic Yearbook) since 1985.
Dr. Pascal Boniface has published or edited more than forty books dealing with International Relations, Nuclear Deterrence and Disarmament, European Security, French International Policy and Sport in the International Relations. He makes frequent contributions to national and international publications on geopolitics.
He is a columnist for Challenges (France), Réalités (Tunisia), La Croix (France), Joongang Daily (South Korea), La Vanguardia (Spain), Gulf News (Middle East), and Al Ittihad (United Arab Emirates). He is also analyst for France Musique radio.
Pascal Boniface is Chairman of the “Commission de prospective sur l'avenir du football” (Committee for the Future of Football) of the “Fédération française de Football” (French Federation of Football) and Secretary General of the “Fondation du football” (Football Foundation). He is President of the Association of assigning Léo Ferré’s name to a public area within the district of Paris.
In 2007, he wrote a report to the special Representative of the UN Secretary general to West Africa dealing with Security and the construction of peace in West Africa.
He has been made a Chevalier of the French award for distinguished services in public and private capacity. Pascal Boniface is also Chevalier of the Legion of honour.
Pascal Boniface
Speaker Categories :
Government & Politics
Geopolitics and international relations advisor